




Basic maintenance 服务 may be requested by placing a work request using the 工作请求系统. All requests requiring action by 物理设施 will be assigned work order numbers 以便日后参考和跟进. 所有的请求都将得到确认 作业完成后发送电子邮件.

The basic 服务 provided by 物理设施 without charge or preconditions are to:





The 物理设施 department's goal is to maximize productivity under the basic maintenance 服务类别. It is however, important to note that the 物理设施 budget is developed in order to cover basic maintenance alone.

Office or building modifications, upgrades and renovations must be funded through 其他资金来源. Work orders for alteration of an office or building are considered special request or additional projects and will be referred back to the Director or Department Head of the area requesting the work with an estimate of the 完成这项工作所需的资金. NOTE: These types of request must be submitted by purchase requisition and have the Director or Department Chair and Vice President Signature for work to be considered.

Consideration will be 给n to minor special requests without charge back. 工作需要 in conjunction with relocation's mandated by the Administration will be exempted from 退款政策.  NOTE:  For all NON-MANDATED work, the cost of relocation of furniture in and out of the space to accommodate a renovation should be part of the contract with the engaged 承包商. If 承包商 does not include installation within the specification, funds should be set aside to reimburse 物理设施 for the cost of labor.

Campus emergencies will take priority over any projects being conducted regardless 他们的状态或在被执行的时候.
