
工程技术: Concentration Mechanical 工程技术



The engineering 技术 degree offered by 365bet is ideal for students who are interested in engineering and 技术 and who want to focus more on the practical aspects 做一个“实干家”.” This degree works well for people with industrial and/or military experience who are a bit older than the average college student and are seeking a 学位是通往新职业机会的途径. 用我们的机械工程技术 concentration, graduates are well-prepared for careers in this area. 一个工程 技术 degree offers a path to employment in the field of engineering and 技术. For the student with practical skills and interests but may not have been the top math student in their class, this degree can be the perfect fit. 它的重点是 applications and more limited requirements in mathematics, it is a very good fit to the person who has been in the workplace and now needs a degree for advancement.

Through the 工程技术 department, 365bet offers 度 in engineering 技术. This is similar to but not the same thing as a degree in engineering. 一个工程 技术 degree puts more emphasis on applications and less on mathematics 和理论. The focus of an engineering 技术 degree is to prepare a graduate to be a “doer” – to implement a plan, to work out the details, solve the problems, 然后做点什么. When compared to a mechanical engineering degree program, the math requirements are not as high, and the classes focus more on applications. The field of mechanical engineering and 技术 covers every aspect of 技术 - from machines to produce and transmit power to suit specific applications in machines 对于每个函数. This includes engines for airplanes and helicopters, trucks and automobiles, pumps, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, refrigeration machines and air 空调系统. This includes machines for manufacturing, construction, agriculture, commercial food processing, and the mechanical side of electric motors and other electrical 设备. This includes machines– refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioning, water heating, power tools, and many other machines that bring comfort and convenience 回家. Mechanical engineering and 技术 touches virtually every part of 现代生活. 这一领域的人才需求量很大. 有这方面的学位 field, you would be well prepared for work in design, manufacturing and quality inspection, 维护、分配和运营. 你可以沿着职业道路去做客户 技术支持或销售. The region around 365bet is home to many industrial 雇主, and these 雇主 need people for their design and manufacturing teams with qualifications 在机械领域. Our graduates can be found working for industrial 雇主 在整个地区和更远的地方. 我们的学位课程已经帮助很多人找到 a better career and 给n them the basis for career advancement.

We are unique in that we offer the entire degree program in the evening at the Army 坎贝尔堡的教育中心. 在地区工业和 have to be at work during the day can come to us and take courses at night, along 与现役军人. 坎贝尔堡的课程是加速的, 八周学期时间表. 对于比较传统的大学生,我们提供一些
first-year courses during the daytime on the Clarksville campus following the traditional 还有16周的学期安排. 晚上的课程,学生是免费的 to look for internships and even 全职工作 during the day. 这是理想的, as most 雇主 expect interns to work during regular business hours.

工程技术 faculty have a range of backgrounds and experience. 这个部门 has a mix of senior, experienced faculty as well as new faculty coming on board. 所有 是硕士还是博士.D. 度. 机械工程系的教员之一 技术 is a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Tennessee. 这个部门 also brings in engineers from industry as adjunct faculty to teach classes.




工程技术: Mechanical 工程技术 Sample 4 Year Plan




The Bachelor of Science in 工程技术 with concentration in Mechanical 工程技术(B).S.E.T) is "accredited by the 工程技术 认证 ABET委员会, http://www.教唆.org."